When she sees this, she joins him and realizes that after all these years, they have never really talked. As they plant the tree, their hands touch, they look into each other’s eyes and share a knowing smile.
Many people are caught up in the idea of a fairy tale romance, but the truth is, there are ups and downs in all serious relationships, and it is necessary to go through some tough times as a couple in order to solidify your connection to your partner.
This stage is often characterized by conflict avoidance, as you choose to only see your similarities and the good parts of the relationship, which is not sustainable.
When you catch sight of your beloved and your heart starts racing, that’s because of an adrenaline rush, said Dr. Reginald Ho, a cardiac electrophysiologist and associate professor of medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
“What dopamine does is it gives you that focused attention, the craving, the euphoria, the energy and the motivation, in this case the motivation to win life’s greatest prize,”
there are three brain systems involved in romantic love: sex drive, love and attachment
以前一直在保证流动性,难以想象会在一家公司待上好几年,看到老同事就觉得看到了天花板。 想游离在团体之外,渐渐地,意识到积累需要时间,积淀需要额外的条件。
“Let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile.”
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- What your heart and brain are doing when you’re in love - CNN.com
- The 5 Stages of Love: How to Level Up Your Relationship - Relish — 爱的5个阶段:如何升级你的关系
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- 這些經典照片全都出自他手!劇照師劉振祥:劇照的目的,是傳遞電影的精神和感動